Treating Autism with Cranial Sacral Therapy

Treating Autism with Cranial Sacral Therapy - Autism is a condition characterised by pronounced cognitive deficiencies in certain areas while some sufferers will be remarkably intelligent in others. Such individuals will normally experience social difficulties and the more profound cases may require professional supervision throughout most of their adult lives. The causes of autism are not well understood. Some scientists believe genetics play an important role while others stress the presence of certain environmental influences such as heavy metals, diseases and even the consumption of certain foods during pregnancy. Thus, it is no surprise that the treatment options for this limiting condition are varied and innovative. One such option involves the manipulation of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in order to establish a "balance" within the body.

A Basic Overview of Cranial Sacral Therapy

Cranial sacral therapy directly focuses on establishing a redistribution of the CSF through a gentle manipulation of the joints of the skull and other key areas of the body. Practitioners claim that the subtle movements of CSF can have profound influences on many diseases and conditions throughout the body; one such ailment being autism. It is thought that should the pathways and the flow of this fluid be corrected, the symptoms of autism will be markedly reduced.

Links to Autism Treatment?

While this outwardly may appear to seem the stuff of fiction, there are indeed many patients that have reported notable improvements in certain behaviours after receiving such treatments. Although there is little scientific evidence (as of yet) to physically support such claims, some believe that a redistribution of the cerebrospinal fluid may have an impact on how the nerves within the brain communicate with one another. Should this be proven to be true, this may very well lend further credibility regarding the use of cranial sacral therapy as a treatment option. Others believe that a release of endorphins during therapeutic sessions may also allow for a clarity of thought that would otherwise prove difficult in many patients.

Claims of Success

There are a number of individuals and parents of patients who claim that these treatments have produced visible and viable results. Behaviours have been said to improve, outbursts have lessened and attention spans have increased. While it should be noted that these represent but a portion of those who have undergone cranial sacral therapy, such results need to be examined in more detail.

Still, many feel that there is no real harm in employing this form of therapy. There are no medications involved and certainly no invasive or physically damaging procedures. Instead, only a light and circular touch will be applied to certain areas of the skull and other focal points on the body. Patients report sensations of extreme relaxation and even the alleviation of pain.

A Conjunction with Other Treatments

This innovative approach may prove to be most effective when used simultaneously with other, more traditional treatment methods such as medication and behavioural therapy. As the mechanisms of autism are not yet fully understood, the use of cranial sacral therapy as a non-invasive option should be seriously considered by those who suffer from this rather limiting condition. As our knowledge base regarding autism continues to increase, it will be interesting to discover whether there is indeed any validity to the aforementioned claims of success.